
Began having a few conversations with myself in March of 2020.  Then, slowly but surely, I began to invite others to join the convo.  

Now, in 2021, I’m finally going to heed my friend’s advice (thank you Kerrin Piche Serna) and I’m blogging, just a little.  

Be sure to check out the plain text blog for the most recent entries.

Here we go! 

Deanna Anthony

Artist, Creative


Welcome to my blog about life, entertainment and the JOY of it all!


Work in progress…

“What would happen if I channeled all of the ferocity I put into working in the Theatre into the other facets of my career?”

“I wonder what the result could be if I worked as ferociously with my voice, on-camera acting and creative direction?”

Heart Blogged
by Deanna Anthony
January 7, 2021

I have been writing ideas down for almost a week, excitedly trying to settle on the “best” first blog topic, for my newly minted 2021 blog.  I thought I was ready, poised to pen my masterful opus no. 1, but then yesterday happened…in America…at The Capitol.
For me, the event was saddening, unsurprising, frustrating and embarrassing.  Even though I was not directly involved in any of what I choose to refer to as the “infantile incident”, in reaction my heart was discouraged, my mind was suspicious, my gumption was discontented, and my soul was unsettled.
I only had to go as far as my Facebook page to learn how other countries are viewing this ill behavior.  And believe me when I say, everyone in America is getting clumped in with a small group.  We are seen as completely losing the plot in front of the rest of the world.  Like we have been thrust into the cast of a new ratings-tanking reality show, to which we DID NOT sign over our rights.
For just one moment, this was a weight I began to accept the responsibility to wear and then I stopped thinking, listening and reading about everything.  I closed my eyes, dropped my shoulders and inhaled deeply, audibly and exhaled the same.


I said this audibly, as well, to myself and then opened my eyes.  This is a weight I am refusing to take on as my own.  I needed to refocus.  To think.  To do.
To me it is only intelligent to acknowledge that yesterday’s folderol is definitely yet another instance of American History repeating itself.  I would prefer an original screenplay, please, because I have heard and seen this one before, repeatedly.  While I empathize with my young contemporaries that have never seen the like, I also know with a certainty that not much will permanently change for the better for any of us without a true accounting of the facts and a decisive reckoning for perpetrators of these shenanigans.
Fortune has smiled upon me and bestowed gifts.  And, with these gifts, I believe I have a purpose.  A purpose that compels me care enough, to use my voice, bringing life to art as a reflection of our human day-to-day.  To care enough to speak truth to light, in the direction of support, healing, education, reconciliation, excellence and joy.  So, that is what I will continue to do with this blog of mine.  Shine the light, continuously.  Conscious of what took place yesterday but focusing forward on the positioning of tomorrow.  I hope you will continue to join me and bask collectively in the warmth and celebration of the positive human spirit.

Audiobooks R Reading and a Learning Ally
by Deanna Anthony
July 22, 2022

Google AUDIOBOOK and you’ll see a definition that states, ‘an audiocassette or CD recording of a reading of a book, typically a novel’.

This one is a bit dated in my opinion.

Merriam Webster defines an AUDIOBOOK as, ‘a recording of a book or a magazine being read aloud’.

This definition is closer, but still limited.

In my very strong opinion, audiobooks are so much more.  We have books that are novels, novellas, graphic novels, comic, poetry, short story collections digitally delivered ebooks, and more.  It is truly wonderful what can be produced as an audiobook these days and I find it all to be wonderful!

Audiobooks create an opportunity for reading to be more available and accessible to everyone.  And being a part of the creation of a production as an audiobook narrator has been and continues to be pure joy!

If you have not had the opportunity yet, I encourage you to give an audiobook a try.  There are multiple retail options world-wide to choose from, as well as libraries available for access to a variety of titles and different genres.

Since March 2021, I’ve had the opportunity to volunteer with Learning ally, a non-profit organization that creates and distributes audiobooks for early and struggling learners with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.

Children’s Literature, YA, Middle Grade, Literary Fiction and Graphic Novels are just a few of the genres in the production catalogue.  Volunteers include, but are not limited to, educators, researchers, narrators, readers, listeners, engineers and all literature and textbooks are human read.

Whether it be for educational purposes with a Nonfiction selection, or for entertainment alone with any type of Fiction, there is so much to learn, understand and connect to through an audiobook. 

The potential and the possibilities are endless.

Excited to see what else inspires.