Audiobooks R Reading and a Learning Ally

Google AUDIOBOOK and you’ll see a definition that states, ‘an audiocassette or CD recording of a reading of a book, typically a novel’.

This one is a bit dated in my opinion.

Merriam Webster defines an AUDIOBOOK as, ‘a recording of a book or a magazine being read aloud’.

This definition is closer, but still limited.

In my very strong opinion, audiobooks are so much more.  We have books that are novels, novellas, graphic novels, comic, poetry, short story collections digitally delivered ebooks, and more.  It is truly wonderful what can be produced as an audiobook these days and I find it all to be wonderful!

Audiobooks create an opportunity for reading to be more available and accessible to everyone.  And being a part of the creation of a production as an audiobook narrator has been and continues to be pure joy!

If you have not had the opportunity yet, I encourage you to give an audiobook a try.  There are multiple retail options world-wide to choose from, as well as libraries available for access to a variety of titles and different genres.

Since March 2021, I’ve had the opportunity to volunteer with Learning ally, a non-profit organization that creates and distributes audiobooks for early and struggling learners with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.

Children’s Literature, YA, Middle Grade, Literary Fiction and Graphic Novels are just a few of the genres in the production catalogue.  Volunteers include, but are not limited to, educators, researchers, narrators, readers, listeners, engineers and all literature and textbooks are human read.

Whether it be for educational purposes with a Nonfiction selection, or for entertainment alone with any type of Fiction, there is so much to learn, understand and connect to through an audiobook.  The potential and the possibilities are endless.